nebuďte sami ani na jaře – užívejte si s námi společné večery na kurzech a tančírnách. Jsme tu pro Vás 30 let
. 📍 Na Praze 1, 5 a 6. Kurzy pro 💖 jednotlivce i pro 💕 páry. Rozvrh kurzů zde 🌸💃🕺 Spring salsa and bachata courses in the week of March 17th for complete beginners to the most advanced. Don’t be alone even in spring – enjoy evenings with us at courses and dance parties. We have been here for you for 30 years
. 📍 In Prague 1, 5 and 6. Courses for 💖individuals and 💕 couples. Course schedule here . Fb: , Ig: